✨ SSO for Admin UI
SSO for UI
Step 1: Set upperbounds for keys
Control the upperbound that users can use for max_budget
, budget_duration
or any key/generate
param per key.
max_budget: 100 # Optional[float], optional): upperbound of $100, for all /key/generate requests
budget_duration: "10d" # Optional[str], optional): upperbound of 10 days for budget_duration values
duration: "30d" # Optional[str], optional): upperbound of 30 days for all /key/generate requests
max_parallel_requests: 1000 # (Optional[int], optional): Max number of requests that can be made in parallel. Defaults to None.
tpm_limit: 1000 #(Optional[int], optional): Tpm limit. Defaults to None.
rpm_limit: 1000 #(Optional[int], optional): Rpm limit. Defaults to None.
Expected Behavior
- Send a
request withmax_budget=200
- Key will be created with
since 100 is the upper bound
Step 2: Setup Oauth Client
- Okta SSO
- Google SSO
- Microsoft SSO
- Generic SSO Provider
- Add Okta credentials to your .env
GENERIC_CLIENT_ID = "<your-okta-client-id>"
GENERIC_CLIENT_SECRET = "<your-okta-client-secret>"
GENERIC_AUTHORIZATION_ENDPOINT = "<your-okta-domain>/authorize" # https://dev-2kqkcd6lx6kdkuzt.us.auth0.com/authorize
GENERIC_TOKEN_ENDPOINT = "<your-okta-domain>/token" # https://dev-2kqkcd6lx6kdkuzt.us.auth0.com/oauth/token
GENERIC_USERINFO_ENDPOINT = "<your-okta-domain>/userinfo" # https://dev-2kqkcd6lx6kdkuzt.us.auth0.com/userinfo
GENERIC_CLIENT_STATE = "random-string" # [OPTIONAL] REQUIRED BY OKTA, if not set random state value is generated
You can get your domain specific auth/token/userinfo endpoints at <YOUR-OKTA-DOMAIN>/.well-known/openid-configuration
- Add proxy url as callback_url on Okta
On Okta, add the 'callback_url' as <proxy_base_url>/sso/callback
- Create a new Oauth 2.0 Client on https://console.cloud.google.com/
Required .env variables on your Proxy
# for Google SSO Login
- Set Redirect URL on your Oauth 2.0 Client on https://console.cloud.google.com/
- Set a redirect url =
<your proxy base url>/sso/callback
- Set a redirect url =
- Create a new App Registration on https://portal.azure.com/
- Create a client Secret for your App Registration
Required .env variables on your Proxy
- Set Redirect URI on your App Registration on https://portal.azure.com/
- Set a redirect url =
<your proxy base url>/sso/callback
- Set a redirect url =
A generic OAuth client that can be used to quickly create support for any OAuth provider with close to no code
Required .env variables on your Proxy
GENERIC_AUTHORIZATION_ENDPOINT = "http://localhost:9090/auth"
GENERIC_TOKEN_ENDPOINT = "http://localhost:9090/token"
GENERIC_USERINFO_ENDPOINT = "http://localhost:9090/me"
Optional .env variables The following can be used to customize attribute names when interacting with the generic OAuth provider. We will read these attributes from the SSO Provider result
GENERIC_CLIENT_STATE = "some-state" # if the provider needs a state parameter
GENERIC_INCLUDE_CLIENT_ID = "false" # some providers enforce that the client_id is not in the body
GENERIC_SCOPE = "openid profile email" # default scope openid is sometimes not enough to retrieve basic user info like first_name and last_name located in profile scope
- Set Redirect URI, if your provider requires it
- Set a redirect url =
<your proxy base url>/sso/callback
- Set a redirect url =
Default Login, Logout URLs
Some SSO providers require a specific redirect url for login and logout. You can input the following values.
- Login:
- Logout:
Here's the env var to set the logout url on the proxy
in your .env
Set this in your .env (so the proxy can set the correct redirect url)
Step 4. Test flow

Restrict Email Subdomains w/ SSO
If you're using SSO and want to only allow users with a specific subdomain - e.g. (@berri.ai email accounts) to access the UI, do this:
export ALLOWED_EMAIL_DOMAINS="berri.ai"
This will check if the user email we receive from SSO contains this domain, before allowing access.
Set Proxy Admin
Set a Proxy Admin when SSO is enabled. Once SSO is enabled, the user_id
for users is retrieved from the SSO provider. In order to set a Proxy Admin, you need to copy the user_id
from the UI and set it in your .env
Step 1: Copy your ID from the UI
Step 2: Set it in your .env as the PROXY_ADMIN_ID
export PROXY_ADMIN_ID="116544810872468347480"
Step 3: See all proxy keys
If you don't see all your keys this could be due to a cached token. So just re-login and it should work.
Disable Default Team
on Admin UI
Use this if you want to hide the Default Team on the Admin UI
The following logic will apply
- If team assigned don't show
Default Team
- If no team assigned then they should see
Default Team
Set default_team_disabled: true
on your litellm config.yaml
master_key: sk-1234
default_team_disabled: true # OR you can set env var PROXY_DEFAULT_TEAM_DISABLED="true"
Use Username, Password when SSO is on
If you need to access the UI via username/password when SSO is on navigate to /fallback/login
. This route will allow you to sign in with your username/password credentials.
Restrict UI Access
You can restrict UI Access to just admins - includes you (proxy_admin) and people you give view only access to (proxy_admin_viewer) for seeing global spend.
Step 1. Set 'admin_only' access
ui_access_mode: "admin_only"
Step 2. Invite view-only users
Custom Branding Admin UI
Use your companies custom branding on the LiteLLM Admin UI We allow you to
- Customize the UI Logo
- Customize the UI color scheme
Set Custom Logo
We allow you to pass a local image or a an http/https url of your image
on your env. We recommend using a hosted image, it's a lot easier to set up and configure / debug
Exaple setting Hosted image
Exaple setting a local image (on your container)
Set Custom Color Theme
- Navigate to /enterprise/enterprise_ui
- Inside the
directory, rename_enterprise_colors.json
- Set your companies custom color scheme in
Example contents ofenterprise_colors.json
Set your colors to any of the following colors: https://www.tremor.so/docs/layout/color-palette#default-colors
"brand": {
"DEFAULT": "teal",
"faint": "teal",
"muted": "teal",
"subtle": "teal",
"emphasis": "teal",
"inverted": "teal"
- Deploy LiteLLM Proxy Server