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✨ SSO for Admin UI


✨ SSO is on LiteLLM Enterprise

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SSO for UI

Step 1: Set upperbounds for keys

Control the upperbound that users can use for max_budget, budget_duration or any key/generate param per key.

max_budget: 100 # Optional[float], optional): upperbound of $100, for all /key/generate requests
budget_duration: "10d" # Optional[str], optional): upperbound of 10 days for budget_duration values
duration: "30d" # Optional[str], optional): upperbound of 30 days for all /key/generate requests
max_parallel_requests: 1000 # (Optional[int], optional): Max number of requests that can be made in parallel. Defaults to None.
tpm_limit: 1000 #(Optional[int], optional): Tpm limit. Defaults to None.
rpm_limit: 1000 #(Optional[int], optional): Rpm limit. Defaults to None.

Expected Behavior

  • Send a /key/generate request with max_budget=200
  • Key will be created with max_budget=100 since 100 is the upper bound

Step 2: Setup Oauth Client

  1. Add Okta credentials to your .env
GENERIC_CLIENT_ID = "<your-okta-client-id>"
GENERIC_CLIENT_SECRET = "<your-okta-client-secret>"
GENERIC_AUTHORIZATION_ENDPOINT = "<your-okta-domain>/authorize" #
GENERIC_TOKEN_ENDPOINT = "<your-okta-domain>/token" #
GENERIC_USERINFO_ENDPOINT = "<your-okta-domain>/userinfo" #
GENERIC_CLIENT_STATE = "random-string" # [OPTIONAL] REQUIRED BY OKTA, if not set random state value is generated

You can get your domain specific auth/token/userinfo endpoints at <YOUR-OKTA-DOMAIN>/.well-known/openid-configuration

  1. Add proxy url as callback_url on Okta

On Okta, add the 'callback_url' as <proxy_base_url>/sso/callback

Default Login, Logout URLs

Some SSO providers require a specific redirect url for login and logout. You can input the following values.

  • Login: <your-proxy-base-url>/sso/key/generate
  • Logout: <your-proxy-base-url>

Here's the env var to set the logout url on the proxy


Step 3. Set PROXY_BASE_URL in your .env

Set this in your .env (so the proxy can set the correct redirect url)


Step 4. Test flow

Restrict Email Subdomains w/ SSO

If you're using SSO and want to only allow users with a specific subdomain - e.g. ( email accounts) to access the UI, do this:


This will check if the user email we receive from SSO contains this domain, before allowing access.

Set Proxy Admin

Set a Proxy Admin when SSO is enabled. Once SSO is enabled, the user_id for users is retrieved from the SSO provider. In order to set a Proxy Admin, you need to copy the user_id from the UI and set it in your .env as PROXY_ADMIN_ID.

Step 1: Copy your ID from the UI

Step 2: Set it in your .env as the PROXY_ADMIN_ID

export PROXY_ADMIN_ID="116544810872468347480"

Step 3: See all proxy keys


If you don't see all your keys this could be due to a cached token. So just re-login and it should work.

Disable Default Team on Admin UI

Use this if you want to hide the Default Team on the Admin UI

The following logic will apply

  • If team assigned don't show Default Team
  • If no team assigned then they should see Default Team

Set default_team_disabled: true on your litellm config.yaml

master_key: sk-1234
default_team_disabled: true # OR you can set env var PROXY_DEFAULT_TEAM_DISABLED="true"

Use Username, Password when SSO is on

If you need to access the UI via username/password when SSO is on navigate to /fallback/login. This route will allow you to sign in with your username/password credentials.

Restrict UI Access

You can restrict UI Access to just admins - includes you (proxy_admin) and people you give view only access to (proxy_admin_viewer) for seeing global spend.

Step 1. Set 'admin_only' access

ui_access_mode: "admin_only"

Step 2. Invite view-only users

Custom Branding Admin UI

Use your companies custom branding on the LiteLLM Admin UI We allow you to

  • Customize the UI Logo
  • Customize the UI color scheme

We allow you to pass a local image or a an http/https url of your image

Set UI_LOGO_PATH on your env. We recommend using a hosted image, it's a lot easier to set up and configure / debug

Exaple setting Hosted image


Exaple setting a local image (on your container)


Set Custom Color Theme

"brand": {
"DEFAULT": "teal",
"faint": "teal",
"muted": "teal",
"subtle": "teal",
"emphasis": "teal",
"inverted": "teal"

  • Deploy LiteLLM Proxy Server