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Response Headers

When you make a request to the proxy, the proxy will return the following headers:

Rate Limit Headers​

OpenAI-compatible headers:

x-ratelimit-remaining-requestsOptional[int]The remaining number of requests that are permitted before exhausting the rate limit
x-ratelimit-remaining-tokensOptional[int]The remaining number of tokens that are permitted before exhausting the rate limit
x-ratelimit-limit-requestsOptional[int]The maximum number of requests that are permitted before exhausting the rate limit
x-ratelimit-limit-tokensOptional[int]The maximum number of tokens that are permitted before exhausting the rate limit
x-ratelimit-reset-requestsOptional[int]The time at which the rate limit will reset
x-ratelimit-reset-tokensOptional[int]The time at which the rate limit will reset

How Rate Limit Headers work​

If key has rate limits set

The proxy will return the remaining rate limits for that key.

If key does not have rate limits set

The proxy returns the remaining requests/tokens returned by the backend provider. (LiteLLM will standardize the backend provider's response headers to match the OpenAI format)

If the backend provider does not return these headers, the value will be None.

These headers are useful for clients to understand the current rate limit status and adjust their request rate accordingly.

Latency Headers​

x-litellm-response-duration-msfloatTotal duration of the API response in milliseconds
x-litellm-overhead-duration-msfloatLiteLLM processing overhead in milliseconds

Retry, Fallback Headers​

x-litellm-attempted-retriesintNumber of retry attempts made
x-litellm-attempted-fallbacksintNumber of fallback attempts made
x-litellm-max-fallbacksintMaximum number of fallback attempts allowed

Cost Tracking Headers​

HeaderTypeDescriptionAvailable on Pass-Through Endpoints
x-litellm-response-costfloatCost of the API call
x-litellm-key-spendfloatTotal spend for the API key✅

LiteLLM Specific Headers​

HeaderTypeDescriptionAvailable on Pass-Through Endpoints
x-litellm-call-idstringUnique identifier for the API call✅
x-litellm-model-idstringUnique identifier for the model used
x-litellm-model-api-basestringBase URL of the API endpoint✅
x-litellm-versionstringVersion of LiteLLM being used
x-litellm-model-groupstringModel group identifier

Response headers from LLM providers​

LiteLLM also returns the original response headers from the LLM provider. These headers are prefixed with llm_provider- to distinguish them from LiteLLM's headers.

Example response headers:

llm_provider-openai-processing-ms: 256
llm_provider-openai-version: 2020-10-01
llm_provider-x-ratelimit-limit-requests: 30000
llm_provider-x-ratelimit-limit-tokens: 150000000