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Control Model Access with OIDC (Azure AD/Keycloak/etc.)


✨ JWT Auth is on LiteLLM Enterprise

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Example Token

"sub": "1234567890",
"name": "John Doe",
"email": "",
"roles": ["basic_user"] # 👈 ROLE

Proxy Configuration

enable_jwt_auth: True
user_roles_jwt_field: "roles" # the field in the JWT that contains the roles
user_allowed_roles: ["basic_user"] # roles that map to an 'internal_user' role on LiteLLM
enforce_rbac: true # if true, will check if the user has the correct role to access the model

role_permissions: # control what models are allowed for each role
- role: internal_user
models: ["anthropic-claude"]

- model: anthropic-claude
model: claude-3-5-haiku-20241022
- model: openai-gpt-4o
model: gpt-4o

How it works

  1. Specify JWT_PUBLIC_KEY_URL - This is the public keys endpoint of your OpenID provider. For Azure AD it's{tenant_id}/discovery/v2.0/keys. For Keycloak it's {keycloak_base_url}/realms/{your-realm}/protocol/openid-connect/certs.

  2. Map JWT roles to LiteLLM roles - Done via user_roles_jwt_field and user_allowed_roles

    • Currently just internal_user is supported for role mapping.
  3. Specify model access:

    • role_permissions: control what models are allowed for each role.
      • role: the LiteLLM role to control access for. Allowed roles = ["internal_user", "proxy_admin", "team"]
      • models: list of models that the role is allowed to access.
    • model_list: parent list of models on the proxy. Learn more
  4. Model Checks: The proxy will run validation checks on the received JWT. Code