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✨ Secret Detection/Redaction (Enterprise-only)

❓ Use this to REDACT API Keys, Secrets sent in requests to an LLM.

Example if you want to redact the value of OPENAI_API_KEY in the following request

Incoming Request

"messages": [
"role": "user",
"content": "Hey, how's it going, API_KEY = 'sk_1234567890abcdef'",

Request after Moderation

"messages": [
"role": "user",
"content": "Hey, how's it going, API_KEY = '[REDACTED]'",


Step 1 Add this to your config.yaml

- guardrail_name: "my-custom-name"
guardrail: "hide-secrets" # supported values: "aporia", "lakera", ..
mode: "pre_call"

Step 2 Run litellm proxy with --detailed_debug to see the server logs

litellm --config config.yaml --detailed_debug

Step 3 Test it with request

Send this request

curl -L -X POST '' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer sk-1234' \
-d '{
"model": "fake-claude-endpoint",
"messages": [
"role": "user",
"content": "what is the value of my open ai key? openai_api_key=sk-1234998222"
"guardrails": ["my-custom-name"]

Expect to see the following warning on your litellm server logs

LiteLLM Proxy:WARNING: - Detected and redacted secrets in message: ['Secret Keyword']

You can also see the raw request sent from litellm to the API Provider with (--detailed_debug).

POST Request Sent from LiteLLM:
curl -X POST \ \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer gsk_mySVchjY********************************************' \
-d {
"model": "llama3-8b-8192",
"messages": [
"role": "user",
"content": "what is the time today, openai_api_key=[REDACTED]"
"stream": false,
"extra_body": {}

Turn on/off per project (API KEY/Team)

See Here

Control secret detectors

LiteLLM uses the detect-secrets library for secret detection. See all plugins run by default


Here's how to control which plugins are run per request. This is useful if developers complain about secret detection impacting response quality.

1. Set-up config.yaml

- guardrail_name: "hide-secrets"
guardrail: "hide-secrets" # supported values: "aporia", "lakera"
mode: "pre_call"
detect_secrets_config: {
"plugins_used": [
{"name": "SoftlayerDetector"},
{"name": "StripeDetector"},
{"name": "NpmDetector"}

2. Start proxy

Run with --detailed_debug for more detailed logs. Use in dev only.

litellm --config /path/to/config.yaml --detailed_debug

3. Test it!

curl -L -X POST '' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer sk-1234' \
-d '{
"model": "fake-claude-endpoint",
"messages": [
"role": "user",
"content": "what is the value of my open ai key? openai_api_key=sk-1234998222"
"guardrails": ["hide-secrets"]

Expected Logs

Look for this in your logs, to confirm your changes worked as expected.

No secrets detected on input.

Default Config Used

_default_detect_secrets_config = {
"plugins_used": [
{"name": "SoftlayerDetector"},
{"name": "StripeDetector"},
{"name": "NpmDetector"},
{"name": "IbmCosHmacDetector"},
{"name": "DiscordBotTokenDetector"},
{"name": "BasicAuthDetector"},
{"name": "AzureStorageKeyDetector"},
{"name": "ArtifactoryDetector"},
{"name": "AWSKeyDetector"},
{"name": "CloudantDetector"},
{"name": "IbmCloudIamDetector"},
{"name": "JwtTokenDetector"},
{"name": "MailchimpDetector"},
{"name": "SquareOAuthDetector"},
{"name": "PrivateKeyDetector"},
{"name": "TwilioKeyDetector"},
"name": "AdafruitKeyDetector",
"path": _custom_plugins_path + "/",
"name": "AdobeSecretDetector",
"path": _custom_plugins_path + "/",
"name": "AgeSecretKeyDetector",
"path": _custom_plugins_path + "/",
"name": "AirtableApiKeyDetector",
"path": _custom_plugins_path + "/",
"name": "AlgoliaApiKeyDetector",
"path": _custom_plugins_path + "/",
"name": "AlibabaSecretDetector",
"path": _custom_plugins_path + "/",
"name": "AsanaSecretDetector",
"path": _custom_plugins_path + "/",
"name": "AtlassianApiTokenDetector",
"path": _custom_plugins_path + "/",
"name": "AuthressAccessKeyDetector",
"path": _custom_plugins_path + "/",
"name": "BittrexDetector",
"path": _custom_plugins_path + "/",
"name": "BitbucketDetector",
"path": _custom_plugins_path + "/",
"name": "BeamerApiTokenDetector",
"path": _custom_plugins_path + "/",
"name": "ClojarsApiTokenDetector",
"path": _custom_plugins_path + "/",
"name": "CodecovAccessTokenDetector",
"path": _custom_plugins_path + "/",
"name": "CoinbaseAccessTokenDetector",
"path": _custom_plugins_path + "/",
"name": "ConfluentDetector",
"path": _custom_plugins_path + "/",
"name": "ContentfulApiTokenDetector",
"path": _custom_plugins_path + "/",
"name": "DatabricksApiTokenDetector",
"path": _custom_plugins_path + "/",
"name": "DatadogAccessTokenDetector",
"path": _custom_plugins_path + "/",
"name": "DefinedNetworkingApiTokenDetector",
"path": _custom_plugins_path + "/",
"name": "DigitaloceanDetector",
"path": _custom_plugins_path + "/",
"name": "DopplerApiTokenDetector",
"path": _custom_plugins_path + "/",
"name": "DroneciAccessTokenDetector",
"path": _custom_plugins_path + "/",
"name": "DuffelApiTokenDetector",
"path": _custom_plugins_path + "/",
"name": "DynatraceApiTokenDetector",
"path": _custom_plugins_path + "/",
"name": "DiscordDetector",
"path": _custom_plugins_path + "/",
"name": "DropboxDetector",
"path": _custom_plugins_path + "/",
"name": "EasyPostDetector",
"path": _custom_plugins_path + "/",
"name": "EtsyAccessTokenDetector",
"path": _custom_plugins_path + "/",
"name": "FacebookAccessTokenDetector",
"path": _custom_plugins_path + "/",
"name": "FastlyApiKeyDetector",
"path": _custom_plugins_path + "/",
"name": "FinicityDetector",
"path": _custom_plugins_path + "/",
"name": "FinnhubAccessTokenDetector",
"path": _custom_plugins_path + "/",
"name": "FlickrAccessTokenDetector",
"path": _custom_plugins_path + "/",
"name": "FlutterwaveDetector",
"path": _custom_plugins_path + "/",
"name": "FrameIoApiTokenDetector",
"path": _custom_plugins_path + "/",
"name": "FreshbooksAccessTokenDetector",
"path": _custom_plugins_path + "/",
"name": "GCPApiKeyDetector",
"path": _custom_plugins_path + "/",
"name": "GitHubTokenCustomDetector",
"path": _custom_plugins_path + "/",
"name": "GitLabDetector",
"path": _custom_plugins_path + "/",
"name": "GitterAccessTokenDetector",
"path": _custom_plugins_path + "/",
"name": "GoCardlessApiTokenDetector",
"path": _custom_plugins_path + "/",
"name": "GrafanaDetector",
"path": _custom_plugins_path + "/",
"name": "HashiCorpTFApiTokenDetector",
"path": _custom_plugins_path + "/",
"name": "HerokuApiKeyDetector",
"path": _custom_plugins_path + "/",
"name": "HubSpotApiTokenDetector",
"path": _custom_plugins_path + "/",
"name": "HuggingFaceDetector",
"path": _custom_plugins_path + "/",
"name": "IntercomApiTokenDetector",
"path": _custom_plugins_path + "/",
"name": "JFrogDetector",
"path": _custom_plugins_path + "/",
"name": "JWTBase64Detector",
"path": _custom_plugins_path + "/",
"name": "KrakenAccessTokenDetector",
"path": _custom_plugins_path + "/",
"name": "KucoinDetector",
"path": _custom_plugins_path + "/",
"name": "LaunchdarklyAccessTokenDetector",
"path": _custom_plugins_path + "/",
"name": "LinearDetector",
"path": _custom_plugins_path + "/",
"name": "LinkedInDetector",
"path": _custom_plugins_path + "/",
"name": "LobDetector",
"path": _custom_plugins_path + "/",
"name": "MailgunDetector",
"path": _custom_plugins_path + "/",
"name": "MapBoxApiTokenDetector",
"path": _custom_plugins_path + "/",
"name": "MattermostAccessTokenDetector",
"path": _custom_plugins_path + "/",
"name": "MessageBirdDetector",
"path": _custom_plugins_path + "/",
"name": "MicrosoftTeamsWebhookDetector",
"path": _custom_plugins_path + "/",
"name": "NetlifyAccessTokenDetector",
"path": _custom_plugins_path + "/",
"name": "NewRelicDetector",
"path": _custom_plugins_path + "/",
"name": "NYTimesAccessTokenDetector",
"path": _custom_plugins_path + "/",
"name": "OktaAccessTokenDetector",
"path": _custom_plugins_path + "/",
"name": "OpenAIApiKeyDetector",
"path": _custom_plugins_path + "/",
"name": "PlanetScaleDetector",
"path": _custom_plugins_path + "/",
"name": "PostmanApiTokenDetector",
"path": _custom_plugins_path + "/",
"name": "PrefectApiTokenDetector",
"path": _custom_plugins_path + "/",
"name": "PulumiApiTokenDetector",
"path": _custom_plugins_path + "/",
"name": "PyPiUploadTokenDetector",
"path": _custom_plugins_path + "/",
"name": "RapidApiAccessTokenDetector",
"path": _custom_plugins_path + "/",
"name": "ReadmeApiTokenDetector",
"path": _custom_plugins_path + "/",
"name": "RubygemsApiTokenDetector",
"path": _custom_plugins_path + "/",
"name": "ScalingoApiTokenDetector",
"path": _custom_plugins_path + "/",
"name": "SendbirdDetector",
"path": _custom_plugins_path + "/",
"name": "SendGridApiTokenDetector",
"path": _custom_plugins_path + "/",
"name": "SendinBlueApiTokenDetector",
"path": _custom_plugins_path + "/",
"name": "SentryAccessTokenDetector",
"path": _custom_plugins_path + "/",
"name": "ShippoApiTokenDetector",
"path": _custom_plugins_path + "/",
"name": "ShopifyDetector",
"path": _custom_plugins_path + "/",
"name": "SlackDetector",
"path": _custom_plugins_path + "/",
"name": "SnykApiTokenDetector",
"path": _custom_plugins_path + "/",
"name": "SquarespaceAccessTokenDetector",
"path": _custom_plugins_path + "/",
"name": "SumoLogicDetector",
"path": _custom_plugins_path + "/",
"name": "TelegramBotApiTokenDetector",
"path": _custom_plugins_path + "/",
"name": "TravisCiAccessTokenDetector",
"path": _custom_plugins_path + "/",
"name": "TwitchApiTokenDetector",
"path": _custom_plugins_path + "/",
"name": "TwitterDetector",
"path": _custom_plugins_path + "/",
"name": "TypeformApiTokenDetector",
"path": _custom_plugins_path + "/",
"name": "VaultDetector",
"path": _custom_plugins_path + "/",
"name": "YandexDetector",
"path": _custom_plugins_path + "/",
"name": "ZendeskSecretKeyDetector",
"path": _custom_plugins_path + "/",
{"name": "Base64HighEntropyString", "limit": 3.0},
{"name": "HexHighEntropyString", "limit": 3.0},