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Use this to fail a request based on the input or output of an llm api call.

import litellm 
import os

# set env vars
os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"] = "your-api-key"
os.environ["OPENROUTER_API_KEY"] = "your-api-key"

def my_custom_rule(input): # receives the model response
if "i don't think i can answer" in input: # trigger fallback if the model refuses to answer
return False
return True

litellm.post_call_rules = [my_custom_rule] # have these be functions that can be called to fail a call

response = litellm.completion(model="gpt-3.5-turbo", messages=[{"role": "user",
"content": "Hey, how's it going?"}], fallbacks=["openrouter/gryphe/mythomax-l2-13b"])

Available Endpoints​

  • litellm.pre_call_rules = [] - A list of functions to iterate over before making the api call. Each function is expected to return either True (allow call) or False (fail call).

  • litellm.post_call_rules = [] - List of functions to iterate over before making the api call. Each function is expected to return either True (allow call) or False (fail call).

Expected format of rule​

def my_custom_rule(input: str) -> bool: # receives the model response 
if "i don't think i can answer" in input: # trigger fallback if the model refuses to answer
return False
return True


  • input: str: The user input or llm response.


  • bool: Return True (allow call) or False (fail call)

Example Rules​

Example 1: Fail if user input is too long​

import litellm 
import os

# set env vars
os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"] = "your-api-key"

def my_custom_rule(input): # receives the model response
if len(input) > 10: # fail call if too long
return False
return True

litellm.pre_call_rules = [my_custom_rule] # have these be functions that can be called to fail a call

response = litellm.completion(model="gpt-3.5-turbo", messages=[{"role": "user", "content": "Hey, how's it going?"}])

Example 2: Fallback to uncensored model if llm refuses to answer​

import litellm 
import os

# set env vars
os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"] = "your-api-key"
os.environ["OPENROUTER_API_KEY"] = "your-api-key"

def my_custom_rule(input): # receives the model response
if "i don't think i can answer" in input: # trigger fallback if the model refuses to answer
return False
return True

litellm.post_call_rules = [my_custom_rule] # have these be functions that can be called to fail a call

response = litellm.completion(model="gpt-3.5-turbo", messages=[{"role": "user",
"content": "Hey, how's it going?"}], fallbacks=["openrouter/gryphe/mythomax-l2-13b"])